marți, 12 august 2014

Udyr, the Spirit Walker

Udyr, the Spirit Walker is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Udyr has many play styles because you can play him as a top jungler, with phoenix or tiger stance but today i am going to show you how to play him as a phoenix stance, jungler. He is a very mobile chmapion because of his passive that gives him attack speed and movement speed each time you change your stance and if you want to catch someone or run spam all your spells not just your bear stance. He is a strong champion because he has steroids of attack speed with his tiger form, lifesteal and a shield from his turtle form, stun from bear stance, and AOE from phoenix. If you can't catch the skill shots, Udyr is the best choice for you and i recomend it if you want to learn to jungle better because his clear time is low and it is easy to gank with him.

duminică, 10 august 2014

Chaos Knight

Chaos Knight or his real name Nessaj is a fictional hero from DotA series. He is a strength, melee hero and he can be played only as a semi-carry. If you ask me why as a semi-carry and not as a hard one is because you need to buy Drum of Endurance and gank other lanes. While ganking first use W to get close to the enemy, stun and basic attacks because if you start with stun while you are going to the target he won't be stunned anymore. His ultimate is pretty strong because he clones himself and if you crit the clones will crit too and if you have manta it's GG you can kill the enemy team almost alone.

vineri, 8 august 2014

Riven, the Exile

Riven, the Exile is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Riven can be played as a top, mid and jungler but today i am going to show you how to play her as a top laner. She is a fighter, assassin and her kit of spells is pretty strong because she has a long duration stun, a shield that is scalling on AD. With his ultimate she can do 1v1 with almost any champion in the game because it gives you bonus AD and when activate second time it throws a wave of energy dealing bonus massive damage.

joi, 7 august 2014

Yasuo, the Unforgiven

Yasuo, the unforgiven, is a fictional champion from League of Legends. He is an assassin, fighter and you can pay him as a mid or top laner. Yasuo is a pretty hard champ if you want to make plays with your E and dash through enemy champs. Yasuo is situational because you need so much knock up in your team to use with your ulti because it is easier to use it than to try to stack with your Q. He is really strong because of his passive that doubles his crit chance. 

Summoner Spells:





Offense: -double edged sword-1 point
             -fury- 3 points
             -expose weakness- 1 point
             -brute force- 3 points
             -spell weaving- 1 point
             -martial mastery- 1 point
             -executioner- 3 points
             -warlord- 3 points
             -devastating strikes- 3 points
             -dangerous game- 1 point
             -havoc- 1 point

Defense: -block- 2 points
              -enchanted armor- 2 points
              -unyielding- 1 point
              -veteran's scars- 3 points
              -juggernaut- 1 point  

Runes:- quint- 2 lifesteal, 1 damage
          -mark- AD 
          -glyph- crit or MR
          -Seal- armor

Starting Items

  • Doran's Blade
  • Health Potion
  • Warding Totem (Trinket)
Core Items
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Berserker's Greaves
  • Infinity Edge
  • The Bloodthirster
Full Game Build
  • Berserker's Greaves
  • Statikk Shiv
  • Infinity Edge
  • The Bloodthirster
  • Last Whisper
  • Guardian Angel


Yasuo is a man of resolve, an agile swordsman who wields the wind itself to cut down his foes. But this once proud warrior has been disgraced by a false accusation and forced into a desperate fight for survival. With the world turned against him, he will do everything in his power to bring the guilty to justice and restore his honor.
Once a brilliant pupil at a renowned Ionian sword school, Yasuo was the only student in a generation to master the legendary wind technique. Many believed he was destined to become a great hero. However, his fate was changed forever when Noxus invaded. Yasuo was charged with guarding an Ionian Elder, but, foolishly believing his blade alone could make the difference, left his post to join the fray. By the time he returned, the Elder had been slain.
Disgraced, Yasuo willingly turned himself in, prepared to pay for his failure with his life. He was shocked, however, to find himself accused not just of dereliction, but of the murder itself. Though confused and racked with guilt, he knew the assassin would go unpunished if he did not act. Yasuo raised his sword against the school and fought his way free, knowing his treason would turn all of Ionia against him. Now truly alone for the first time in his life, he set out to find the Elder's real killer.
Yasuo spent the next several years wandering the land, seeking any clue that might lead him to the murderer. All the while, he was relentlessly hunted by his former allies, continually forced to fight or die. His mission drove him ever forward, until he was tracked down by the one foe he dreaded most – his own brother, Yone.
Bound by a common code of honor, the two warriors bowed and drew their swords. Silently they circled one another under the moonlight. When they finally charged forward, Yone was no match for Yasuo; with a single flash of steel he cut his brother down. Yasuo dropped his weapon and rushed to Yone's side.
Overcome with emotion, he demanded to know how his own kin could think him guilty. Yone spoke: “The Elder was killed by a wind technique. Who else could it be?” Understanding swept over Yasuo as he suddenly realized why he had been accused. He professed his innocence once more and begged his brother's forgiveness. Tears streamed down Yasuo's face as his brother passed in his arms.

miercuri, 6 august 2014

Kassadin, the Void Walker

Kassadin, the void walker is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Kassa is an assassin, mage and he can be played only as a mid laner. The Void Walker is not the best champ early game but if he gets 2 or 3 kills he can kill you with his burst instantly. You do not need full ap itmes Archangel Staff  and RoA must be in yout build, you need to spam his ulti to deal more damage. I max out E, Q, W and the combo is R, Q, E, and if he is not dead than W with Lich Bane.

vineri, 25 iulie 2014

Ryze, the Rouge Mage

Ryze, the rouge mage, is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Ryze is a tanky mage that is played mid and top. Even tough Ryze is really weak early game he is a monster late game. On his items you do not need AP you just need to build mana because his spells are scaling with it. The core items on Ryze are Rod of Ages and Tear of the Goddess. With Tear you stack so much mana and the Rod of Ages keeps you alive mid game and gives you tankiness and mana. Ryze is a strong champion because of his burst, you simply go QWEQRQ and you can kill someone easily. He has movement speed from his ulti so you can chase someone very easily.

joi, 24 iulie 2014

Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void

Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void is a fictional champion from League of Legends. He is an assassin, mage and he can be played only as a mid laner. Malzahar is a strong champion because of his ultimate that suppress the enemy. You should use your ultimate on the enemy adc or on the enemy mid depending who is more fed. He has a very nice kit because you use your silence and he can't flash than put your W down and you ulti. I put the W down to deal more damage when i ult because he can't run away. Before you ult if you use E and than R you summon your voidling and it deals damage too, so you have W damage while he stays there, Q that deals massive damage, E and R that are damage over time.