Ryze, the rouge mage, is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Ryze is a tanky mage that is played mid and top. Even tough Ryze is really weak early game he is a monster late game. On his items you do not need AP you just need to build mana because his spells are scaling with it. The core items on Ryze are Rod of Ages and Tear of the Goddess. With Tear you stack so much mana and the Rod of Ages keeps you alive mid game and gives you tankiness and mana. Ryze is a strong champion because of his burst, you simply go QWEQRQ and you can kill someone easily. He has movement speed from his ulti so you can chase someone very easily.
Summoner spells:
Defense: -block- 2 points
-enchanted armor- 2 points
-unyielding- 1 point
-veteran's scars- 3 points
-juggernaut- 1 point
-enchanted armor- 2 points
-unyielding- 1 point
-veteran's scars- 3 points
-juggernaut- 1 point
-hardiness- 1 point
-resistance- 3 points
-evasive- 1 point
Utility: -fleet of foot- 3 points
-meditation- 3 points
-strength of spirit- 1 point
-alchemist- 1 point
-vampirism- 3 points
-culinary master- 1 point
-expanded mind- 3 points
Runes: -marks- magic pen
-seals- armor
-glyphs- magic resist
-quint- movement speed
Banshee's Veil
Frozen Heart
Blasting Wand
Seraph's Embrace
Rod of Ages
Enchantment: Homeguard
Sweeping Lens (Trinket)
His first ability Q is called Overload and he throws a sphere at an ememy dealing magic damage.
Range: 625
Mana: 60
Cooldown: 3.5 sec
Damage: 60/ 85/ 110/ 135/ 160
His second ability W is called Rune Prison and Ryze snares an enemy unit.
Range: 600
Mana: 60/ 70/ 80/ 90/ 100
Cooldown: 14 second
Damage: 60/ 95/ 130/ 165/ 200
His third ability E is called Spell Flux and Ryze throws a sphere that bounces dealing magic damage and reducing magic resist.
Range: 600
Mana: 80/ 90/ 100/ 110/ 120
Cooldown: 14 sec
Damage: 150/ 210/ 270/ 300/ 390
Cooldown: 70/ 60/ 50
Spellvamp: 15/ 20/ 25%
Movement speed: 80
Duration: 5/ 6/ 7 seconds
There are many on Runttera
who are attracted to the study of magic or, in recent times, the
emerging field of techmaturgy. For most, pursuit of such knowledge is
formalized in a college or university. The halls of traditional study
were never for Ryze, however, who felt a more raw and primal connection
to the magic of Runeterra than those who tried to teach him. He struck
out on his own as a young man to discover what already called to him.
Ryze traveled the world, seeking the wisdom of powerful hermits,
witches, and shamans - anyone who had something to share beyond what was
taught in the city-states of Valoran.
When he had learned all he could from these fonts of wisdom, Ryze
turned to seek the lost, forgotten, and forbidden knowledge in the
world, delving into mystical worlds where others feared to tread.
Ryze's tireless searching for magical knowledge led him to an ancient form of spellcraft known as thorn magic. This art required Ryze to tattoo spells on his body, permanently infusing his being with vast arcane power and finally fulfilling his need to bond with the mystical energies of Runeterra. His travels also led him to uncover the giant indestructible scroll he now carries on his back - the purpose of the inscribed spell remains a secret only Ryze knows. He claims it is an abomination - something that he must safeguard from the world. This has piqued the curiosity of many, though no one is sure how to separate the scroll from Ryze, or if it is possible to overcome the rogue mage to do so. Since then, Ryze has joined the League of Legends to study the magical creatures and powerful will-workers that fight there, in order to complete his exploration of mystical Runttera
Ryze's tireless searching for magical knowledge led him to an ancient form of spellcraft known as thorn magic. This art required Ryze to tattoo spells on his body, permanently infusing his being with vast arcane power and finally fulfilling his need to bond with the mystical energies of Runeterra. His travels also led him to uncover the giant indestructible scroll he now carries on his back - the purpose of the inscribed spell remains a secret only Ryze knows. He claims it is an abomination - something that he must safeguard from the world. This has piqued the curiosity of many, though no one is sure how to separate the scroll from Ryze, or if it is possible to overcome the rogue mage to do so. Since then, Ryze has joined the League of Legends to study the magical creatures and powerful will-workers that fight there, in order to complete his exploration of mystical Runttera
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