luni, 21 iulie 2014

Trundle, theTroll King

Trundle, the Troll King, is a fictional hero from the League of Legends series. He is a tanky fighter champion and he can be played as a top laner or a jungler. Trundle is a monster on top lane if he is playing against a tank because with his ulti he steals the stats of an enemy champ. On the other hand, he is strong at chasing someone because his W gives him movement speed and his E summons a peeler that slows the enemy. A disadvantage that Trundle  has is that he is a solo target champ because of his ulti that is a single-target spell and his Q wich is the same.I like to play trundle as a top laner because i can farm more than in the jungle and if i get ganked i can escape quite easily because i ult the enemy top laner than i use my W to get movement speed and than i put my E and slow them.

Summoner spells:





Offense: Double edged sword-1point
              Fury-4 points
              Brute force-3 points
              Martial Mastery-1 point

Defense: Block-2 points
              Recovery-2 points
              Unyielding-1 point
              Veteran's scars- 3 points
              Oppression-1 point
              Juggernaut-1 point
              Hardiness-3 points
              Perseverance-3 points
              Second wind-1 point
              Legendary guardian-3 points
              Tenacious- 1 point

Marks-attack speed
Glyphs-magic rezist
Quint- 2 lifesteal
           1 attack damage


If facing heavy AD champ such as Renekton.
  • Cloth Armor
  • Health Potion
  • Warding Totem (Trinket)
If facing mixed damage such as Shyvana
  • Doran's Blade
  • Health Potion
  • Warding Totem (Trinket)

Core Items

  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Ninja Tabi
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Spirit Visage

Full Game Item Build

  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Spirit Visage
  • Ninja Tabi
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Randuin's Omen
  • Trinity Force


His passive is called King's Tribute, when an enemy unit dies within 1000 range he gains a percentage of his life 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 % as heal.

His first ability Q is called Chomp and Trundle bites an enemy dealing modified damage equal to an amount of his enemy basic attack and the damage you have.

Modified damage- 20/ 40/ 60/ 80/ 100
Attack damage bonus-20/ 25/ 30/ 35/ 40
Mana- 30
Cooldown- 4 sec

His second ability W is called Frozen Domain and he creates a zone in wich he has bonus movement speed, attack speed, and regeneration for 8 seconds.

Range- 900
Cost- 60 mana
Cooldown- 15 sec
Movement speed- 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% 
Attack speed- 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80% 
Healing regen increase- 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20%
 His third ability E is called Pillar of Ice and he creates a pillar that slows the enemies for 6 seconds.

Range- 1000
Mana- 60
Cooldown- 23/ 20/ 17/ 14/ 11
Pillar slow- 25/ 30/ 35/ 40/ 45%

His fourth ability R is called Subjugate and he steales the enemy rezists and regeneration for a short period of time. Half of the health, armor, and magic resist is drained immediately and the other half over the next 4 seconds. The armor and magic resist bonus/reduction slowly decays over 4 seconds after the drain completes.

Initial magic damage and health drain- 10 / 12 / 14% (+ 1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health 
Magic damage drain per sec- 2.5 / 3 / 3.5% (+ 0.25% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health 
Health drain- 20 / 24 / 28% (+ 2% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health
Mana- 75
Range- 700
Cooldown- 80/ 70/ 60 sec
Range- 700

Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a mischievous streak. There is nothing he can't beat into submission and bend to his will, not even the ice itself. With his massive, frozen club, he chills his enemies to the core and runs them through with jagged shards of ice. Fiercely territorial, Trundle chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain and laughs as they bleed into the tundra.
Trundle's warband once followed a foolish and cowardly chieftain. Under such a weak leader, Trundle feared he and his kin would fall prey to the other troll hordes scattered across the tundra. When his challenge to the chieftain ended in humiliation, Trundle did something that wasn't very troll-like: instead of his fist, he turned to his wits. Thinking on his hairy feet, he spun a tall tale about the troll leaders of old, claiming they wielded weapons of great power as symbols of their right to rule. Though he'd made up the story on the spot, Trundle wagered that if he could find or steal such a weapon, he would become the rightful leader of the warband. The trolls believed him, but none thought him capable of undertaking such a challenge. Knowing the boastful troll would die trying, the foolish chieftain agreed and Trundle departed to the familiar sound of laughter.
Alone but undaunted, Trundle ventured into the foreboding realm of the dreaded  Ice Witch. There, hidden among the many ancient and dangerous secrets, he hoped to find a weapon to prove his elaborate tale. He out-muscled the Ice Witch's guards and outsmarted her dark magic traps, but nothing he scavenged matched the power he'd described to his kin. Finally, he found an unexpected prize: a huge and magical club of never-melting True Ice. Grasping the weapon, he marveled at the cold power that ran through him. But then the wrathful Ice Witch herself appeared. As she summoned her dark magic, Trundle believed he had met his end, but another clever idea struck him. With a knowing grin, he offered the Ice Witch a devious proposition: a troll army, he told her, would be of much more use to her than one troll corpse...
When Trundle returned to the warband, his fellow trolls bowed to his conquest. Calling his weapon "Boneshiver," he took a moment to enjoy the look of numb shock on his chieftain's face before he caved it in. Seizing command, Trundle announced that there would no longer be chieftains - only a Troll King before whom all of his kind would kneel. The trolls rallied behind their brash, new leader and prepared for the coming war. With Trundle leading the charge, the time of the trolls had finally come.
"Outsmart anyone you can't beat, and beat anyone you can't outsmart."
― Trundle
Counters- Strong against: Lee Sin
              - Weak against: Vladimir

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