Ryze, the rouge mage, is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Ryze is a tanky mage that is played mid and top. Even tough Ryze is really weak early game he is a monster late game. On his items you do not need AP you just need to build mana because his spells are scaling with it. The core items on Ryze are Rod of Ages and Tear of the Goddess. With Tear you stack so much mana and the Rod of Ages keeps you alive mid game and gives you tankiness and mana. Ryze is a strong champion because of his burst, you simply go QWEQRQ and you can kill someone easily. He has movement speed from his ulti so you can chase someone very easily.
vineri, 25 iulie 2014
joi, 24 iulie 2014
Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void
Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void is a fictional champion from League of Legends. He is an assassin, mage and he can be played only as a mid laner. Malzahar is a strong champion because of his ultimate that suppress the enemy. You should use your ultimate on the enemy adc or on the enemy mid depending who is more fed. He has a very nice kit because you use your silence and he can't flash than put your W down and you ulti. I put the W down to deal more damage when i ult because he can't run away. Before you ult if you use E and than R you summon your voidling and it deals damage too, so you have W damage while he stays there, Q that deals massive damage, E and R that are damage over time.
miercuri, 23 iulie 2014
Zed, the Master of Shadows
marți, 22 iulie 2014
Jax, Grand Master at Arms
luni, 21 iulie 2014
Trundle, theTroll King
joi, 17 iulie 2014
Anti-Mage, the carry
Abaddon, the unknown carry
miercuri, 16 iulie 2014
Information about Sven
marți, 15 iulie 2014
Information about Lifestealer
luni, 14 iulie 2014
Information about Faceless Void
Faceless Void or his real name Darkterror is a fictional hero from the DotA series. He is an agility, melee hero and his main role is carry. You can't play Faceless Void in other lanes because he needs a support that must stay and protect him while farming his basics items . Some of you may think that you cant play him offlane because his first ability Q can be used to escape but in the hardlane you dont have a lot of farm so it will be pretty hard.
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