vineri, 25 iulie 2014

Ryze, the Rouge Mage

Ryze, the rouge mage, is a fictional champion from League of Legends. Ryze is a tanky mage that is played mid and top. Even tough Ryze is really weak early game he is a monster late game. On his items you do not need AP you just need to build mana because his spells are scaling with it. The core items on Ryze are Rod of Ages and Tear of the Goddess. With Tear you stack so much mana and the Rod of Ages keeps you alive mid game and gives you tankiness and mana. Ryze is a strong champion because of his burst, you simply go QWEQRQ and you can kill someone easily. He has movement speed from his ulti so you can chase someone very easily.

joi, 24 iulie 2014

Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void

Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void is a fictional champion from League of Legends. He is an assassin, mage and he can be played only as a mid laner. Malzahar is a strong champion because of his ultimate that suppress the enemy. You should use your ultimate on the enemy adc or on the enemy mid depending who is more fed. He has a very nice kit because you use your silence and he can't flash than put your W down and you ulti. I put the W down to deal more damage when i ult because he can't run away. Before you ult if you use E and than R you summon your voidling and it deals damage too, so you have W damage while he stays there, Q that deals massive damage, E and R that are damage over time. 

miercuri, 23 iulie 2014

Zed, the Master of Shadows

Zed, the master of shadows is a fictional champion from League of Legends. He is one of the best assassins in the game just because of his ultimate that puts a mark on the enemy dealing massive damage and because of his passive (if the enemy is below 50% hp you deal bonus damage). Zed is a pretty hard champion because you must switch from a shadow to another to confuse the enemy. I like to play zed as a mid because after I beat my enemy I go to roam especially if i have my ult. I want to max out Q because i can harass and farm from a distance. It is not that hard to farm with Zed because you just W on the other side of you when the minions are between you and the shadow than Q and E and if you don't have enough damage you need to basic attack each minion.

marți, 22 iulie 2014

Jax, Grand Master at Arms

Jax,the grand master at arms, is a fictional hero from League of Legends. He is a tanky, duelist and he can be played as a top laner or a jungler. Jax is one of the best duelist in the game just because of his passive that gives him attack speed every attack on an enemy unit. When I play Jax I want the enemy to push the lane because it's easy to farm at the tower with him. Untill level 6 you must play passive but if the enemy comes to fight with you do not run, stay and do what you can and in most cases you beat the enemy or escapes really low hp. At level six your passive from ult is the most op thing because on each third attack you deal bonus damage. Than you basic attack two times a minion and then jump on the enemy with Q and W, dealing massive damage.

luni, 21 iulie 2014

Trundle, theTroll King

Trundle, the Troll King, is a fictional hero from the League of Legends series. He is a tanky fighter champion and he can be played as a top laner or a jungler. Trundle is a monster on top lane if he is playing against a tank because with his ulti he steals the stats of an enemy champ. On the other hand, he is strong at chasing someone because his W gives him movement speed and his E summons a peeler that slows the enemy. A disadvantage that Trundle  has is that he is a solo target champ because of his ulti that is a single-target spell and his Q wich is the same.I like to play trundle as a top laner because i can farm more than in the jungle and if i get ganked i can escape quite easily because i ult the enemy top laner than i use my W to get movement speed and than i put my E and slow them.

joi, 17 iulie 2014

Anti-Mage, the carry

Anti-Mage, or his real name Magina is a fictional hero from the DotA series. Anti-mage always wants to go easy lane because he needs tones of farm and he must be protected by a support, or even two. With Magina you need to stay and farm at about 30-40 minutes and when you are almost full-build you can go in team fights to help out the team. He is one of the most strong carries from the entire game just because every time he hits you he destroys your mana and then he ults you, and the only way you have a chance of surviving is from the arcane boots. He can escape and catch everyone because the blink has 5 seconds cooldown. I like to take Magina when the enemy team has a lot of inteligence heroes because they use a lot of mana and when they are low on mana i go *basic attacks, basic attacks* then ult and the enemy is dead. One strong thing at Magina's ult is that it's AOE. That means if 5 heroes with no mana stay stacked and they are at about half hp you ult and you can kill everyone.

Abaddon, the unknown carry

Abaddon, the lord of Avernus, is a fictional hero from the DotA series. Most players say or think that Abaddon is a support, and i totally agree with them but not much know that he is a monster carry late-game. I want to say that Abaddon carry is better that support because just imagine with the phase-boots how you run and catch everyone and then slow them with the passive from E. If you are focused you won't die because of your ultimate and the more damage you suffer the more heal you get. I like to take Abaddon carry when they have anti-carries because they come, focus me i fight with them and suddenly they are low and i am full HP. You must be careful with your Q because it deals damage to you and the easiest way to avoid this thing is when activate your W.

miercuri, 16 iulie 2014

Information about Sven

Sven, the rogue knight is a fictional hero from the DotA series. He is a strength melee hero and he can be played carry or support even if he has tones of damage from his ultimate. The basic combo on Sven is Q, R, activate Armlet of Mordiggian and Mask of Madness and simply right click. With Sven i like to roam a lot because he is so strong at ganking just because of his stun and as i said he has a big potential on killing the enemy carry.

marți, 15 iulie 2014

Information about Lifestealer

Lifestealer or his real name N'aix is a fictional hero from the DotA series. He is a strength, melee hero and he can be played carry, jungler or even mid against Pudge, but not only. In my opinion N'aix is one of the best heroes in the game just because of his passive that gives him life steal every attack on an enemy hero or creep, so his sustain is very good in jungle and his ultimate can be used to go into a neutral creep to kill him instantly.When you play Lifestealer carry is fun if you have a healer because you can't die easily. The main item on Lifestealer is Armlet of Mordiggian because it gives you bonus damage and you do not care about the damage you must suffer because of the life steal from W so you have bonus damage and after a fight you do not have low hp because of the Armlet. N'aix mid is fun against Pudge because if you know when to use your Q you wont get damaged by Pudge's hook.

luni, 14 iulie 2014

Information about Faceless Void

Faceless Void or his real name Darkterror is a fictional hero from the DotA series. He is an agility, melee hero and his main role is carry. You can't play Faceless Void in other lanes because he needs a support that must stay and protect him while farming his basics items . Some of you may think that you cant play him offlane because his first ability Q can be used to escape but in the hardlane you dont have a lot of farm so it will be pretty hard.